Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Et Tu Donna?

Yesterday, I finally started my dream blog for round people to question whether or not the THIN have all the answers. This morning, I was knocked off my high horse. Not even 24 hours later, I was watching the news about a woman - the Ying to my Yang - and her quest to gain weight.

Millions of people are gaining weight everyday and they don't make the nightly news. This is different because she is intentionally doing it! She is not emotional eating, regretting it later, swearing to never do it again. Nope, she did it on purpose and is loving each and every calorie.

Meet Donna Simpson. She is 600 pounds and trying to gain 400 pounds on freaking purpose. (Source: http://www.aolnews.com/health/article/600-pound-woman-eating-her-way-to-dubious-distinction/19399734) Everyone is shocked. THIN can't believe she doesn't want to be one of them. Round people can't understand why she doesn't hate her ever increasing waistline. What is this skinny world coming too?

I may be the only person who wasn't shocked to see a round person trying to make sense of her situation in a skinny world. I just couldn't believe she spends $750 dollars on groceries a week? What a powerful message to send about round people - we are single handedly keeping the grocery industry alive in this economy. Seriously? I would love to have $750 dollars a month on groceries.

Well Donna - we are heading in different directions, who will get their first? who will be happy? Since I'm clearly rooting for myself, it seems that I still have the THIN dream alive inside this round body.

Signing off as a work-in-progress,

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